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Beginners For Csharp By Greenleaf (8.2 MB)

Chapter 1 : What is .Net Framework ? ….. 1
1. .Net Framework
2. FCL and CLR
3. MSIL and JIT
4. Garbage Collection
Chapter 2 : What is C # ? …… 3
1. Introduction to C #
2. Applications You Can Write With C #
1) Windows applications
2) Web applications
3) Web Services
4.Who is this posts for?

Chapter 3 : Windows Controls(part 1) ……. 8
1. Message Boxes
2. The Message of a Message Box
3. The Caption of a Message Box
4. The Buttons of a Message Box
5. The Icon of a Message Box
6. The Default Button of a Message Box
7. Sample
Chapter 4 : Windows Controls(part 2) …….. 16
1. Forms
2. Form written by Windows Forms Applications
3. Form written by Console Application
4. How to works
Chapter 5 : Windows Controls(part 3) …….. 21
1. Labels
2. Sample
3. How to work
4. New operator
Chapter 6 : Windows Controls(part 4) ……… 28
1. Buttons
2. How to works
3. Advice
Chapter 7 : Windows Controls(part 5) ……… 35
1. Check Box
2. Sample
3. How to works
Chapter 8 : Windows Controls(part 6) …… 53

1. Combo Boxes
2. Sample
3. How to works
4. Note
Chapter 9 : Windows Controls(part 7) ………. 60
1. Web browser
2. How to works
3. Remark
Chapter 10 : Windows Controls(part 8) ……… 68
1. Multiple Form
2. How to works
Chapter 11 : Windows Controls(part 9) ………. 70
1. Menu bar and Rich TextBox
Chapter 12 : Windows Controls(part 10) ……… 75
1.Menu Items and Rich TextBox
Chapter 13 : Windows Controls(part 11) ……… 78
1.From Menu Items and Rich TextBox
Chapter 14 : Microsoft Visual Studio ……… 91
1.How To Install “Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2008 Express Edition”
Chapter 15 : What is ADO.Net ?? ……… 99
2.How to bind data to DataGridView Control
1) DataGridView Control
a) ConnectionString
b) DataAdapter
c) DataSet
d) CommandBuilder
3.How to works
Chapter 16 : Using DataGridView – Binding Data – (OleDb interface) ……… 105
1.What is OLEDB ??
Chapter 17 : Sql Server,C# and ADO.Net (part 1) …….. 110
Chapter 18 : Sql Server, C# and ADO.Net (part 2) …….. 117
Chapter 19 : Sql Server,C# and ADO.Net (part 3) …….. 120
Chapter 20 : Sql Server ,C# and ADO.Net (Final Part) …….. 124

Beginners For Csharp By Greenleaf (8.2 MB)



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